Is it easy? Eggsactly so! Eggs really are the incredible food. Such a tiny thing, yet, those little things are stuffed full of yummy, healthy nutrition-except carbs-they are happily lacking in that category. According to the AEB, (American Egg Board), 1 egg (50g) has 70 calories and 0 carbohydrates, making them the perfect addition to a low carb diet. Eggs are a little high in cholesterol, so if that's a concern you want to be careful and don't go hog wild and eat a dozen of them every day. Eggs can be prepared in nearly any way you can think of, but for those of us who are weight conscious, boiled is a wonderful way of cooking them. Boiled eggs are one of my favorite snacks, as well as a favorite breakfast item. Anyone other than me put sriracha sauce on their eggs? Yummy! How many times have you attempted to peel a boiled egg only to get frustrated because it was hard t...